"Eyes in the Grass - Lion"
Robert Bateman

"Eyes in the Grass - Lion" by Robert Bateman
Limited Edition on Paper:
Edition Size: 950 artist signed and numbered prints
Image Size: 19-3/4" x 10"
Issue Price: Canadian $215.00; approx. US $172.00
"It is the lions that you cannot see
that the prey should fear. A lion can hide in grass scarcely higher
than a foot. Their attack technique is a charge from an ambush. The
moment before the charge, they are crouched very low, both hind feet on
the ground and both eyes on the subject of the attack. It is this
moment that I have tried to capture in this painting. By the time you
realize that this is more than just a field of grass, you might be
thinking your last thought." - Robert Bateman